Understanding Industrial Equipment and Our Manufacturing Legacy

I'm Sandra Adams, a blogger and enthusiast of many eclectic targets, including pottery and industrial equipment and supplies. I've traced my family tree as far back as I can go and there is not one moment where my family hasn't been involved in manufacturing. My dad worked as a mechanic repairing industrial machinery and if it wasn't for me, he wouldn't have anyone to pass down his knowledge to. I've always wanted to know what my dad was up to, so I'd ask him what he did everyday. I've always been really curious and this has lead me to develop a really strong understanding of industrial equipment. My love for industrial equipment hasn't waned and now I feel like sharing this knowledge with others. I've created this blog for this exact purpose.

What Makes "Extruded" Stucco Trim Extruded? And Other Questions Answered


Installing real, true stucco is a thick, pasty process that requires weeks to fully cure under the sun. Applying stucco is usually very complicated. However, there are a couple of faux stucco processes that can give you the same stucco look on the exterior of your home. This includes extruded stucco. The following article highlights and answers questions regarding how these stuccos are made, including what makes "extruded" stucco extruded.

What Makes "Extruded" Stucco, Extruded?

Extruded in any industrial process means that materials are pushed into and through a mold and out the other side. (Think of soft kids' dough pushed through a creative "fun factory" in various three-dimensional shapes, and then cut in chunks.) Stucco for buildings is similar in that the stucco is mixed with plastic polymers before it is pushed through an extrusion machine. This process can be used to make wall panels as well as stucco trim

After the stucco/polymer mixture is forced in and through the extrusion machine, the wall panel or trim heads on to a cutting machine. Once it is cut into panels or certain lengths of trim, then it is cured in the factory by ovens, hot rooms, or some other means of heat application. The convenience of having your faux stucco all ready to apply to the exterior of your home is what makes this process very popular.

What Is the Pressurized Application of Stucco?

This is an entirely different application process. Essentially, the base materials to which the stucco will be applied are affixed to the exterior of your home. Then the stucco mixture is loaded into a pressurized application machine, which simultaneously heats, partially cures, and applies the stucco.

This is a nice effect if you want just a thin layer of stucco and you want it fast. If you want a thicker stucco appearance with bigger whorls in the mixture, then you have to build up the layers over time using this same process until it is the desired thickness. You should discuss with your contractor what you hope to achieve with this process.

Can You Stucco Only Certain Parts of the House?

It is an unusual request, but yes, you can choose when and where you add faux stucco details. It is less messy and less complicated if you choose extruded stucco when and if you are only doing part of the house in stucco. That way the stucco does not splatter on areas of the house where you do not want it to go because the extruded stucco is already on the panels you will install.


27 June 2018